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Tampo Techniek Nederland BV also known as TTN has been a manufacturer of
pad printing equipment and consumables for more than 35 years. During this period, TTN has
grown into a very experienced supplier for the pad printing industry.

Auxiliaries for pad printing

For mixing pad printing inks of for matching the right colour you need specific gear. Below you can fin dan overview of the auxiliaries from our delivery program.

Questions? Call us or email us. Our specialists are happy to assist you.

Color charts

For matching the right colours, available in:
  • RAL color chart
  • PMS color chart C + U (set)
  • PMS metallic color chart
  • HKS color chart

Mixing cups

Carton mixing cups 180 ml. for mixing the pad printing ink. Carton doesn’t react to the thinner inside the ink. That is why you always have to use carton cups.

storage cups

Pad printing inkt hat hasn’t been mixed with hardener can be stored for later use. These cups are transparant which makes it easy to check the color which is inside. Available in several sizes.

Plastic mixing spatula

Better than wooden spatulas, because they are not dusty or let go of splinters in the ink. Made out of polypropylene. Easy to clean and use them again.

Viscosity spatula

Tool for measuring the thickness of the ink. Made out of stainless steel.

Pipette 3cc

Very handy to add some thinner when the ink is already inside of the machine. Made out of polyethylene.

Pipette bottle 250cc

Very handy to add some thinner when the ink is already inside of the machine. Made out of polyethylene.

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Tampo Techniek Nederland B.V.
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